Gametabs ========== Gametabs is the core of every tab, like inventory, stats, and so on. This is also the file that includes every tab's code. .. code-block:: pascal type EGametab = ( tabCombat, tabStats, tabQuests, tabInventory, tabEquipment, tabPrayer, tabMagic, tabClan, tabFriends, tabIgnores, tabLogout, tabOptions, tabEmotes, tabMusic ); type TRSGametab = record Tabs: TBoxArray; Keybindings: TIntegerArray; FKeysEnabled: Boolean; end; ------------ var Gametabs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Variable that stores functions and properties relating to gametabs. ------------ Gametab.ToggleFKeys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSGametab.ToggleFKeys(const Enable: Boolean); Enables support for FKeys to open tabs. ------------ Gametab.GetBounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSGametab.GetBounds(Tab: EGametab): TBox; Returns the bounds of the tab-button ------------ Gametab.PointToSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSGametab.PointToSlot(pt: TPoint): Int32; Returns the tab-id under the location ``pt``, value is returned as an integer, as it will return ``-1`` if it fails. To convert it to a gametab is just a matter of casting it like ``EGameTab(theValue)`` ------------ Gametab.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSGametab.IsOpen(Tab:EGametab; MaxWait:Int32=0): Boolean; Checks if the given tab is open or now. By default it wont wait (expecting it to open). ------------ Gametab.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSGametab.Open(Tab: EGametab; Tries: Int32=2): Boolean; Opens the given gametab, by default it retries twice. ------------ Gametab.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSGametab.Hover(Tab:EGametab; Condition:Boolean=True); Only moves the mouse over the given tab. ------------ Gametab.GetCurrent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSGametab.GetCurrent(): EGametab; Returns the current open tab. ------------