Inventory ========= The inventory file holds functions and procedures that are related to the runescape inventory ------------ type TRSInventory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type that holds functions and properties of the Runescape inventory gametab. ------------ var Inventory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Variable that stores functions and properties of the Runescape inventory gametab. ------------ Drop patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Column wise and "reversed" column wise (S-style): ``DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR``, ``DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR_R`` Column wise snake-style patterns and "reversed" version: ``DROP_PATTERN_SNAKE``, ``DROP_PATTERN_SNAKE_R`` By row, from to-left, down to bottom right, it's reverse starts in top-right down to bottom right. ``DROP_PATTERN_TOPDOWN``, ``DROP_PATTERN_TOPDOWN_R`` ------------ Inventory.ErrorPattern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.ErrorPattern(Pattern: TIntArray=DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR; ErrorChance:Int32=5): TIntegerArray; Given a pattern and an upper limit of errors in percent, it will swap around some values and return a "errorized" drop-pattern **Example:** .. code-block:: pascal Inventory.DropItems(Inventory.ErrorPattern(DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR, 10)); ------------ Inventory.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.Open(): Boolean; Opens the interface ------------ Inventory.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.IsOpen(maxWait:Int32=0): Boolean; Checks if the interface is already open. ------------ Inventory.IsSlotValid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.IsSlotValid(idx: Int32): Boolean; Returns true if the given slot is within a valid range. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.PointToSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.PointToSlot(pt:TPoint): Int32; Returns the slot-index under the given TPoint. If it's not over a slot then -1 is returned .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.MouseSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSInventory.MouseSlot(idx:Int32; btn: Integer = mouse_Move); Moves the moise over the given slot-index. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.IsFull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.IsFull(): Boolean; Returns ``True`` if the inventory can't hold anymore items .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.GetSlotBox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.GetSlotBox(idx:Int32): TBox; Returns the bounding box covering the given slot-index. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.IsSlotUsed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.IsSlotUsed(idx:Int32): Boolean; Returns true if the given slot is occupied. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.GetUsedSlots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.GetUsedSlots(idx:Int32): TIntegerArray; Returns all the occupied slot-indices. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.Count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.Count: Int32; Returns the number of used slots ------------ Inventory.DropItem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.DropItem(Slot: Int32; UpText:TStringArray=[]): Boolean; Drops the given item. ------------ Inventory.DropItems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.DropItems(Slots:TIntegerArray = DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR); Drops the given items. It's order-sensitive which means unless you want it to jump randomly all over the inventory dropping items, you give it a ordered drop-pattern. .. note:: by slacky **Examples:** .. code-block:: pascal // drops all items in a "snake order" / "Z"-order Inventory.DropItems(DROP_PATTERN_SNAKE); .. code-block:: pascal Inventory.DropItems([0..3]); // drops the four first items ------------ Inventory.DropItemsExcept ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSInventory.DropItemsExcept(ignoreSlots:TIntegerArray; Slots:TIntegerArray = DROP_PATTERN_REGULAR); Drops all the given items ``Slots`` except for the items in ``IgnoreSolots`` .. note:: by slacky ------------ Inventory.FindXXXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.FindMask(Mask: TMask; Tolerance, ContourTolerance:Int32 = 30; MaxToFind:Byte = 0): TIntArray; function TRSInventory.FindDTM(DTM: Integer; MaxToFind:Byte = 0): TIntArray; overload; function TRSInventory.FindBMP(BMP: Integer; Tolerance:Int32; MaxToFind:Byte = 0): TIntArray; overload; Find the slots with the given item defined by a `TMask`, `DTM`, or `BMP`. The last parameter ``MaxToFind`` defines how many you want us to find, by default it will look for all, but can be used to only search for 1 item if that's all you need. **Example:** .. code-block:: pascal items := Inventory.FindMask(myMask); if itemArr = [] then WriteLn('Not found') else WriteLn('Found in slots: ', items); ------------ Inventory.Count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.Count(Mask: TMask; Tolerance, ContourTolerance:Int32=30): Int32; overload; function TRSInventory.Count(DTM: Integer): Int32; overload; function TRSInventory.Count(BMP: Integer; Tolerance:Int32): Int32; overload; Counts the number of slots containing this item ------------ Inventory.Contains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.Contains(Mask: TMask; Tolerance, ContourTolerance:Int32=30): Boolean; function TRSInventory.Contains(DTM: Integer): Boolean; overload; function TRSInventory.Contains(BMP: Integer; Tolerance:Int32): Boolean; overload; Returns true if the inventory contains the given item ------------ Inventory.GetActiveSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.GetActiveSlot(): Int8; Returns the index to the current active slot, returns ``-1`` if none. ------------ Inventory.Use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.Use(Slot: Int32): Boolean; RS correct alias for ``Inventory.ActivateSlot``. ------------ Inventory.ActivateSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.ActivateSlot(Slot: Int32): Boolean; Activates (Presses) the given slot, however if ``Slot`` is ``-1`` then it will disable the current active slot. ------------ Inventory.WaitCount ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSInventory.WaitCount(Amount: Int32; Time: Int32; Compare: TComparator = __EQ__): Boolean; Waits for intentory amount to meet expected size. By default it waits till it's equal to given Amount, but can wait till it's not equal, less than or greater than. ------------