Spells ======= The file holds functions and procedures that are related to the spells gametab ------------ var Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~ Variable that stores functions and properties of the Runescape magic/spells gametab. Spells follow the same name as they do ingame, only prefixed with ``CAST_`` **Example names** .. code-block:: pascal CAST_LUMBRIDGE_HOME_TELEPORT CAST_WIND_STRIKE CAST_CONFUSE CAST_ENCHANT_CROSSBOW_BOLT ------------ Spells.Open ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.Open(): Boolean; Opens the interface ------------ Spells.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.IsOpen(maxWait:Int32=0): Boolean; Checks if the interface is already open. ------------ Spells.GetSpellBox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.GetSpellBox(Spell: ESpellCast): TBox; Returns the bounding box covering the given spell. .. note:: by slacky ------------ Spells.PointToSlot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.PointToSlot(PT: TPoint): Int32; Returns the index of the slot under `PT` ------------ Spells.MouseOver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.MouseOver(spell:ESpellCast): Boolean; Moves the mouse over the given spell. ------------ Spells.CanActivate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.CanActivate(Spell: ESpellCast): Boolean; Returns True if you can use the spell.. ------------ Spells.Selected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.Selected(Spell: ESpellCast): Boolean; Returns True if the spell is currently selected ------------ Spells.Cast ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSSpells.Cast(Spell: ESpellCast): Boolean Casts the spell ------------