Text (shared) ============= Text related methods ------------ srl.FindText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TSRL.FindText(out p: TPoint; Text, Font: String; SearchBox: TBox): Boolean; constref; function TSRL.FindText(out Matches: TPointArray; Text, Font: String; Color, Tolerance: Integer; SearchBox: TBox): Boolean; constref; overload; function TSRL.FindText(out p: TPoint; Text, Font: String; Color, Tolerance: Integer; SearchBox: TBox): Boolean; constref; overload; Searches for the given text, using the given font, in the specified search area. * First implementation returns the first coordinate where it was found in `p`. * Second implementation returns a list of all locations the text was found, and takes a specific Color & Tolerance. * Third implementation returns the first coordinate where it was found in `p`, and takes a specific Color & Tolerance. ------------ srl.MouseText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TSRL.MouseText(Text, Font: String; SearchBox: TBox; MouseAction: Integer = mouse_Move): Boolean; constref; function TSRL.MouseText(Text, Font: String; Color, Tolerance: Integer; SearchBox: TBox; MouseAction: Integer = mouse_Move): Boolean; constref; overload; Moves the mouse to the place the text was found, if it wasn't found it just returns False. ------------ srl.MouseText ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TSRL.GetTextFromTPA(TPA: TPointArray; MinVSpacing, MaxVSpacing, HSpacing: Integer; Font: String): String; constref; Given a TPA that represents text, this function will run it though the OCR engine and return back a string. ------------ SRL.FormatNumber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TSRL.FormatNumber(n:Extended; dec:Byte=3; mode:ENumberFormat=formatRS): String; constref; Adds a single character-suffix to shorten numbers, and turn them into a string. Two modes are defined, one for RS and one using the SI prefix. * abbrRS: '', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T' * abbrSI: '', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' The RS prefix is default, since SRL mainly focuses on RS. ------------