
Experimental Antiban, Breaksystem, and fatigue/energy system. Could contain some issues, and for that reason breaking changes may happen.

Other methods worth mentioning in this file:

procedure TSRL.HoverRandomPlayer(OptionChance:Double=30; WaitMean:Double=3500);
procedure TSRL.MouseOffClient(Direction: Byte);
procedure TSRL.MouseOffClient(); overload;
function  TSRL.DismissRandom(): Boolean;

Functions of TAntiban:

function  TAntiban.Init(Skills: TIntArray; LogSize:Int32=5): Boolean;
function  TAntiban.Init(Skill: Int32; LogSize:Int32=5): Boolean; overload; //simple 1 skill
function  TAntiban.Copy(): TAntiban; constref;

procedure TAntiban.SetupBiometrics();
function  TAntiban.TimeRunning(): Int64; constref;
function  TAntiban.TimeRunningAtClock(TimeOfDay: String; StVar: String='00:00'): Int64;
procedure TAntiban.DebugNote(s: String; AddToList:Boolean=True);

function  TAntiban.AddTask(Task: TAntibanTask): Boolean;
function  TAntiban.AddBreak(Task: TBreakTask): Boolean;
function  TAntiban.RestartAntiban(): Boolean;

function  TAntiban.DoBreak(out BreakID: Int32): Boolean;
function  TAntiban.DoBreak(): Boolean; overload;
function  TAntiban.DoAntiban(CheckBreaks: Boolean = True): Boolean;

function  TAntiban.HasSleep(): Boolean;
function  TAntiban.GetSleepId(): Int32;
function  TAntiban.TimeSinceBreak(LongerThan:Double=0): UInt64;
function  TAntiban.BreaksPast(Timespan: Double): Int64;
function  TAntiban.EnergyLevel(): Double;
procedure TAntiban.WaitFatigue(t: Double; Exp: Double=0.667);

Builtin antiban tasks that can be used directly with TAntiban:

procedure TAntiban.LoseFocus();
procedure TAntiban.HoverPlayers();
procedure TAntiban.CheckSkill();
procedure TAntiban.RandomCompass();
procedure TAntiban.RandomCompassNESW();
procedure TAntiban.CheckStats();
procedure TAntiban.OpenRandomTab();
procedure TAntiban.VeryShortBreak();
procedure TAntiban.FiveMinBreak();
procedure TAntiban.DoMiscStuff();

You can easily create your own tasks like the above in your script that does whatever. For a deeper look skip to the last lines of this file.

Example of how such a method would look:

procedure TAntiban.HoverTotalLevel();
  Stats.HoverSkill(Random(SKILL_TOTAL), srl.GaussRand(3000,300));

** Example of usage in script **

  Antiban: TAntiban;

                  //which method,            how often,     normal time variation
  Antiban.AddTask([@Antiban.HoverTotalLevel, ONE_MINUTE*7,  0.33]);
  Antiban.AddTask([@Antiban.HoverPlayers,    ONE_MINUTE*9,  0.33]);
  Antiban.AddTask([@Antiban.CheckSkill,      ONE_MINUTE*13, 0.33]);

  // and inside the script loop you do the following
  // which will look for antibans that are ready to be executed, and then execute them.