
The osr/misc.simba file contains various RS related funcions that doesn’t fit elsewhere

type ERSClickType

type ERSClickType = (ctNone, ctRed, ctYellow);


function TMouse.Click(ClickType: ERSClickType): Boolean; overload;

Leftclicks the mouse returns True if the click passed through as expected. Useful when expecting a red or yellow X after a click.


function TSRL.GetXPAtLevel(level:Int32): Int32;

Given a level it returns the minimum XP needed for it.


function TSRL.GetLevelAtXP(XP:UInt32): Int32;

Given some XP, it returns what level that is.


function TSRL.GetItemAmount(Area: TBox): Int32;

For use with items in like bankscreen, inventory, shops and so on to get the number of stacked items there are.


function TSRL.FindDTMInTBA(DTM: Integer; Areas: TBoxArray; MaxToFind: Int32 = 0): TIntArray;

Searches for the DTM in all of the boxes Areas. You can specify a max to find MaxToFind so that it breaks out early, and doesn’t spend more time than what’s needed. By default it’s 0, which means find them all.

The result is a list of all the box-id’s where it was located.


function TSRL.FindMaskInTBA(Mask: TMask; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Int32; Areas: TBoxArray; MaxToFind: Int32 = 0): TIntArray;

Searches for the mask in all of the boxes Areas. You can specify a max to find MaxToFind so that it breaks out early, and doesn’t spend more time than what’s needed. By default it’s 0, which means find them all.

The result is a list of all the box-id’s where it was located.


function TSRL.FindBMPInTBA(BMP: TMufasaBitmap; Tolerance: Int32; Areas: TBoxArray; MaxToFind: Int32 = 0): TIntArray;

Searches for the BMP in all of the boxes Areas. You can specify a max to find MaxToFind so that it breaks out early, and doesn’t spend more time than what’s needed. By default it’s 0, which means find them all.

The result is a list of all the box-id’s where it was located.


function TSRL.AvgBrightness(B: TBox): Int32;

Returns the average brightness of a area on the screen. Returns a value between 0 and 100, 0 being black.


function TSRL.PeakBrightness(B: TBox): Int32;

Returns the peak brightness of a area on the screen. Returns a value between 0 and 100, 0 being black.