Smithing screen

For interacting with the smithing interface.

PS: You are expected to find and open the interface yourself.

var SmithingScreen: TRSSmithingScreen;
const SMITH_ALL = -1;


procedure TRSSmithingScreen.__Setup();

Every interface needs some internal setup procedure..


function TRSSmithingScreen.__Prepare(): Boolean;

Internal method that’s used to generate the boundaries of the interface - automatically.


function TRSSmithingScreen.Debug(RetImage: Boolean = False): TMufasaBitmap;

Debugs the bounds of the interface, mainly used when maintenance is needed.


function TRSSmithingScreen.IsOpen(): Boolean;

Checks if the interface is open. Internally also used to prepare the boundaries of the interface


function TRSSmithingScreen.FindDTM(DTM: Integer): Int32;
function TRSSmithingScreen.FindBMP(BMP: TMufasaBitmap; Tolerance: Int32): Int32;
function TRSSmithingScreen.FindMask(Mask: TMask; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Int32): Int32;

Returns the index of the given DTM, BMP or Mask, otherwise -1 if it’s not found.


function TRSSmithingScreen.MouseOver(Slot: Int32): Boolean;

Returns True if the interface is open, and we moved the mouse to the given slot.


function TRSSmithingScreen.ItemName(Slot: Int32): String;

Returns the name of the item in the given slot. Returns empty string on failure.


function TRSSmithingScreen.BarCount(Slot: Int32): Int32;

Returns the number of bars needed to smith the given item. Returns -1 if it fails.


function TRSSmithingScreen.CanSmith(Slot: Int32): Boolean;

Returns True if the item in the given slot can be made. Detected by checking the color of the item name is white and that the bar-count is green.


function TRSSmithingScreen.Find(Name: String; PartialMatch: Boolean = True): Int32; ;

Returns the slot of the first item matching the given name. Returns -1 if not found.


function TRSSmithingScreen.Smith(Slot, Amount:Int32; Name:String=''): Boolean;

Attempts to smith the item in the given slot. Amount can be any value, while -1 or SMITH_ALL will cause it to smith as many as possible of those items.


function TRSSmithingScreen.Close(): Boolean;

Closes the interface.